Robotic surgery has become increasingly popular in the last five years. Many institutions have understood the real value that robotic surgery brings and how patients can be offered surgery which is more minimally invasive and with fast recovery. It has now become clear from several high-quality publications that there are many benefits in terms of patient and surgeon outcomes. Robotic Surgery is the way of the future and is certainly here to stay! Our team at The London Clinic has performed the highest number of private robotic colorectal surgery in London. Additionally, Professor Chand is an accredited trainer in robotic surgery.
Our practice is now one of the highest volume for private robotic colorectal surgery. We have been featured in a number of publications and media with excellent patient reviews and peerless successful outcomes. Here are a selection of our recent press from Clinical Services Journal, Healthcare and Protection, and Hospitals Management.
Robotic surgery allows better access and manoeuvrability during difficult parts of the surgery. This means less physiological trauma to the body when undergoing surgery and subsequently faster recovery and fewer complications. From a cancer perspective the surgery becomes more precise, which ultimately should translate to improved survival outcomes.
The surgery itself is still performed by the operating surgeon however the robot allows smaller incisions with more advanced instruments obviating the need of a large incision offered by more traditional 'open' surgeons. In the vast majority of cases patients are allowed home within a few days. This is an improvement on historical open surgery which is only now required infrequently and should only be offered in less than 5% of cases.
At The London Clinic, we use the latest generation da Vinci XI robot, which allows for exceptionally precise surgery, faster recovery, optimal oncological outcomes, and resultant patient satisfaction. Mr Chand leads on GI Surgery within the Institute of Robotic Surgery.
We look forward to telling you more about this new surgical revolution during your consultation.
The Da Vinci Xi is the most advanced robotic surgical platform in the world

Pelvic floor disorder
Abdominal wall hernia
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Colorectal Cancer